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Warrior Team

Welcome To

"Die Well!"

Our Recruitment and hype video

About MERC

First welcome to MERC, and if you made it to this point, make sure you check out the whole site!

MERC Is a High/Low and Sov Null sec Corporation and Alliance Lead Corp based in null sec with its alliance allies, and blue friends around all of Syndicate and Cloud Ring. The Types of playing styles we cover as a Corp and alliance are PVP, Industry, and PVE. As for the corporation we live out of Syndicate with our main staging and HQ in Osmeden.

  • zkill
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  • Alliance_auth
TRA Recruitment
Play Video

Why Join Us?

Hey there, Capsuleer!

I hope this message finds you well and thriving in the vast universe of New Eden. I wanted to extend a personal invitation for you to join our family over at RECAS. We’re more than just an alliance – we’re a close-knit community of friends who have each other’s backs, and we’d love for you to be a part of it.


Friendly Community

We’re a diverse group of players who genuinely enjoy spending time together. Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned pilot, you’ll find a supportive environment where everyone’s contributions are valued. Our experienced members are always eager to lend a hand and share their knowledge.


Grow and Succeed Together

We’re all about helping each other grow. Whether you want to dive into the depths of wormholes, command fleets in epic battles, or become a top-notch industrialist, we have the resources and expertise to help you reach your goals. Plus, we have great training programs and mentors who are here to guide you every step of the way.


Resources and Support

As part of our alliance, you’ll have access to our extensive infrastructure, including state-of-the-art citadels and production facilities. We also offer competitive buyback programs and subsidized ships to help you thrive.


Exciting Adventures

From thrilling PvP battles to profitable PvE missions, there’s always something exciting going on. Join us for massive fleet operations, explore unknown space, or team up for lucrative incursions. Whatever your playstyle, you’ll find plenty of opportunities for adventure.


Always Active

With members from all over the world, there’s always someone online to fly with. Our active community means you’ll never have to go it alone – whether it’s joining a fleet, chatting in Discord, or participating in alliance events.


What our members say

"Since joining MERC, I’ve made great friends and learned so much about the game. It’s the best decision I’ve made in Eve." – Thea Maro

"The community here is incredible. Everyone is so helpful and welcoming, and the fleet operations are a pretty fucking crazy."

– Exposed Jin

Want to join us as a corp or line member in MERC?

Please follow the details below to help you get set up and I hope you enjoy your time with MERC and/or from whatever Corp you are part of joining the alliance.  

Step One. 


Auth is used for:

* corporation stats

* FATs (fleet activity tracker)

* SRP (ship replacement program)

* Discord access (text comms/pings)

* Mumble/Team Speak 3 access (voice comms)

.  Star My Authentication Process Now with MERC Alliance

Auth Setup

All access to MERC services is controlled by Auth.

  1. Browse to Auth.

  2. Log in with your Main Eve Online account, select your main and authorize. You should now be on the dashboard.

  3. Click Add Character and add all of your characters.

  4. Once all your characters are added, browse to Character Audit.

  5. Hit the plus (it is on the right hand side) to add a Character Token for your “Main” that you are logged into Auth with, if you haven’t done so already.


  6. Repeat for each of your characters.

  7. Audit is successful when character name under Linked Characters turns green. This should take approximately 10 mins depending on how many character you have to add.

* Changing your Main Character may result in a reset of any applied secure groups and security status.
* Changing your password for the EVE Online account associated with your Main Character may result in a temporary loss of any applied secure groups and security status.

auth blue cross pic.png

Step Two.

Discord Setup 

Discord is our primary text communication platform. Here you will get all our pings and are able to chat with other MERC members.

To join the RECAS server, you will need to do the following:

  1. Log in to Auth.

  2. Verify you have cpmpleted the auth process.

  3. Take a screen shot of your character audit page and post it in our Guest Lobby Channel.

  4. Wait till your roles have been updated on the server (allow up to 24hrs for our admins to approve you.)

    * You will only receive roles if you have been approved in RECAS itself or one of its Alliance Corps. Meaning apply to one of our corps and wait the 24hrs. 

Anchor 1

Step Three.


Requirements to join us as a corp or member:



  • Working headset and the ability to use it to listen to fleet coms and directives

  • All characters registered on our alliance auth site (will show through emails etc through CCP’s data pulls if you have more than one account)

  • Ability to be on comms when online and the will to help, when help is needed

  • New Players are welcome here 

  • You will have to set up our IT services after joining, which includes, but is not limited to: Discords, and full authentication

  • All alliance members focused pvp we ask as an alliance/Industry you get 4 FAP’s (Fleet Honks/ Fleet Activity Tracking Logs) per month on RECAS Corp, alliance and/or coalition fleets 

  • When CTA’s / STRAT OPS are pinged YOU join them defending your home is a MUST

  • Exceptions can be made we understand IRL comes first, but we expect this from the average line member:

  • When you are online you are told to join STANDING FLEET and BE IN COMS.Standing Fleet - EVE University Wiki

  • Experience with at least 1 other player run corporation, or in our feeder Corp (NewBroCoached Corps [NBC Corps])

  • Home station in our coalition staging. You are also expected to play here, as otherwise there is no reason to join us 

  • All corps are required to provide a corp ESI token. (We’ll instruct you how to, if needed)

  • Unrented systems in our area of operations may be used by current renters as overflow, however renters must check (INSERT A SPREAD SHEET OR WEBSITE SHOWING THIS DATA) daily to make sure nothing has been rented while they were afk or asleep :)

  • Rules surrounding 10/10s and special eve events.
    (WOMP\GC\ SC) Corps are fine to move across regional lines.
    However renters/non-esi corps are not: This means If you are in (INSERT FEEDER CORP NAME HERE)  you can no longer run 10/10s in XXX space. If you are in any Alliance/Corp alt you need to put your 10/10 runners back in your main corp. RECAS members can run 10/10s in RECAS space only or (cache at your own risk) or any non-blue space.
    If you get an escalation to (INSERT OFF LIMITS SPACE) space, you are free to sell it on the (INSERT COALITION MARKET NAME) market to them.

  • Special events are anything temporarily added by ccp for a short term. You can run them in any non private rented system or systems you may not go take them from people who pay to use that system privately. Period end of story!!  Or run events in allied space.

  • NON-NC blue space and RECAS
    Do your best to restrict yourself to transitional activity only.
    Fly through, visit the market and back.  - OK
    Please don’t sit in the systems, don’t afk in the systems, don’t sit in the docks without strong reason.
    Thank you!

  • All (ENTER MOON NAMES HERE) moons are rented out individually (some are reserved for RECAS MAINS only).
    All mining structures on these moons are deployed and owned by ( RECAS )
    Reach out to Rental managers for up-to-date information.

  • Moons rented in CLOUD RING/SYNDICATE MUST be on at least 2 weeks cycle or longer to avoid disturbing renters more than it is needed (if you’re not the renter of the same very system the moon is in) It is generally a good idea to have (ENTER MOON NAMES) moons in ANY regions on a two week cycle

  • ESS RULES for RECAS owned sov
    There are 2 different levels of ESS so you need to see what level you are looking at.

  1. Main Bank

    1. The Main Bank is available for every system and if someone does PVE inside said system a part (%) is taken away from the PVE tick and then added to the wallet of the Main Bank ESS. The Main Bank Wallet is automatically shared every two and a ¾ hours.

  2. Reserve Bank

    1. The Reserve Bank is also available in every system and a part (%) is taken from the PVE tick into that wallet. This wallet is locked and not automatically shared.

    2. To open the Reserve Bank a specific key is needed. After opening the Reserve Bank of a system the wallet can be drained for a specific amount of time

  • You are NOT allowed to go into ESS in allied sov.

  • You are NOT allowed to go around and drain the wallet of a systems Main Bank in Cloud Ring.

  • You are NOT allowed to go into ESS in Cloud Ring when you are part of the Cloud Ring  Rental and you are NOT allowed to go into ESS in  Cloud Ring  when you are part of the The  Cloud RIng rental.

  • You are NOT allowed to go into an ESS when there are only blue pilots in the system and the Reserve Bank is opened.

  • You are NOT allowed to go into an opened ESS and start shooting the other blue player inside it and then take over his claim.

  • You are NOT allowed to go into an opened ESS and link to the Reserve Bank when a claim is active by another blue.

  • Withdrawal of the reserve bank is allowed to any blue pilot!


  • Structures

    • Following structures are deployed ONLY by RECAS Main alliance: Keepstar, Fortizar, Sotiyo,Tatara

    • Astrahus can be deployed by (or transferred to) your corporation after a proper deposit is paid.

    • Small structures are considered to be throwaways as (thanks CCP) protecting them is a pointless task.

  • Step-by-step on how to get your structure deployed by RECAS (in case of large structures or high strategic level in the system)

    • Post a request in the RECAS Discord in Leadership\requests channel and tag 


- The corp and its leadership reserve the right to remove anyone from the corp if crimes are committed agested its members or allies or not follow any guidelines set out.   

- NPIS fleets are allowed but not in allied or blue space so keep this in mind if you shoot a blue you can be asked to SRP (Ship Replacement Program). 

- 4 FAPs per month in PVP or Industry fleets is what we ask for here. FAPs are recorded each month and sent out to XXX members at middle and end of the month. 


Lastly, we want you to do what you like most, but we do have to put up some rules, after some past experiences:

- the usual "don't be a dick" applies here and everywhere else

- scamming is ok, as long as you dont scam a blue

- the corp chat is not for advertising and there will be no advertisements for your hypernets

- New corporations joining the alliance are on a 3 month probation and in this time DO NOT pay tax.

Moon Mining Rules:

Mining Lasers with Crystals are not permitted to be used on R64 or R32 Moons.

Please use either ORE Strip Lasers or Strip Miner 1's. 

This maximizes the yield of the moon. Mining Lasers with Crystals are permitted to be used on R16 and below moons.

Reprocessing Percentages are based on the rating of the moon and are charged by the structure the ore is mined on and / or If you decide to move the ore to a better rigged structure you must pay the tax rate to Salt Mine Industries using the wallet reason "Tax for (System and Moon Name) (Percentage)" eg : "Tax for C4C 1-1 35%" 


Alliance Moons Tax Rates :

100% to the Alliance Wallet SRP etc, everything else is taxed at 20% for r64 + Zircon, 15% for r32 and 10% else like R16 R8 Moons. 

This allows you to maximize your profit from your mining laborers. Ask Corp mates with skills to refine -> Pay them the tax Isk -> Profit These rules and percentages can change at any time. Please keep up to date on this pinned message.




XXX Alliance SRP (Ship Replacement Program):

Alliance SRP is offered but only for Strat Ops and CTA’s and signed off by the Lead FC at the time. To submit SRP (Ship Replacement Program) Go to (INSERT AUTH SITE PAGE FORUM FOR THIS) Due to the amount of SRP it can take up to 30 days max.  


Alliance/Corpration Upwells ( Stations):


The Policy on Corp owned stations is not permitted at this time due to alliance logistical set up and right now alliance has what it needs, but this is subject to change in time. Only Alliance stations are to be placed for now. Also any corporations under 3 month probations are not to set stations down. Only exception is currently owned and operated station set prior to joining the alliance or coalition.


Alliance Rental Programs:


XXX. Will have a rental program for moons that can be corp owned but alliance will hold but will be made private to that corporation at that time. R64 and R32 moons will be alliance moons only and will not be rented out at this point.  


XXX does have a Moon Rental Program if a corporation is looking to rent a moon then speak with Captain Vale on this as details may change. 

Step Four.

Apply to a corp through auth site.

Unless you have recieved an invite directly in game, you must apply to a corp on our alliance applixations page. 

To join the MERC Alliance, you will need to do the following:

  1. Log in to Auth.

  2. Travel to the Page that says "applications".

  3. All members start in our NewBro/NewMember Corp called "The Alternative Path" (TAP).
    - fill out the application, submit all info it is requesting (takes no more then 3 mins), then wait to see the comments section and the status. applications in the auth site should take no more than 24 hours (were norammly pretty quick [any whaere from 1-5 hours])

  4. Once you have been approved you will have to go in game and accept the application

  5. Lastly yuou will have to so the main step #TWO of this guid above for discord acces if you havnt done so already.


* You will only receive roles if you have been approved in RECAS itself or one of its Alliance Corps. Meaning apply to one of our corps and wait up to the 24hrsto reach out for help or an update.

Example of where to go for in game invitefrom corp: 
"Neocom" > "social Tab" > "Corporation Tab" > "applications Tab". 


If you, or your corp would like to join please click below and reach out to our admins on dicsord in our guest channel

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